Just after the end of World War II, Nobuo Ishibashi founded Daiwa House Industry with the goal of contributing to the development of Japanese society. He conceived the idea of "industrializing" construction, and came up with the concept of using steel pipes for the structural framework of a house. Daiwa House Industry started off as a very small enterprise, but subsequently grew strongly thanks to Mr. Ishibashi's refusal to accept conventional approaches, the warm-hearted way in which he nurtured the Company's employees to bring out their full potential, and his uncompromising pursuit of his long-held dreams for the future.
Nobuo Ishibashi has passed on his dream and his ambitions to us, and from here onward, we will continue pursuing new dreams with all our might.
Now, let's take a look at the path trod by Nobuo Ishibashi and the Daiwa House Group.
The Life and Achievements of Our Founder – Nobuo Ishibashi

Nobuo Ishibashi, the founder of Daiwa House Industry, constantly held firm to his belief that no matter what difficulties each successive generation may bring, we should adopt a positive attitude, try to forecast future trends, and work to put onto the market the products and services that society needs. In this section, we look at his life and achievements, and introduce the "dream" that was his principal legacy to the Company.

Nobuo Ishibashi created a company whose business operations were built on the idea of offering society the things that it really needed. He was the driving force behind three major developments that made a significant contribution to the rapid growth of the Japanese economy in the postwar period – the Construction Revolution, the Housing Revolution, and the Lifestyle Revolution. And although Mr. Ishibashi has passed away, his spirit lives on in the Group's continuing creation of new markets through new technologies. We call this process New Value Creation, and class it as the fourth of the "revolutions" that can be traced back to our founder, Nobuo Ishibashi.

In this museum, you can view the achievements of our founder, Nobuo Ishibashi. In his 81 years of life, as a pioneer in the prefabricated housing industry Mr. Ishibashi made a significant contribution to improving the living standards of the Japanese population. His great dream was always to contribute to the development of Japanese society, and to this end he became a standard-bearer for the industrialization of the construction industry. We hope that the material presented in the museum will enable you to feel and understand for yourselves Mr. Ishibashi's personality and his aspirations for the Company he founded and for society as a whole.

the Group marked the 100th anniversary in 2021 of the birth of its founder by erecting a memorial monument on land it owned in Kawakami.a village in the Yoshino district of Nara Prefecture. A bust of Ishibashi looking toward his birthplace that no longer exists and a monumental plaque recounting his accomplishments now stand at the site.Along with handing down the footsteps of the founder to future generations, the Daiwa House Group has become a new starting point for the next 100 years.
Kawakami.a village in the Yoshino district of Nara Prefecture

The statue is modeled after Nobuo Ishibashi around 1993, and depicts his appearance in the past. Looking out over his birthplace of Yoshino, Nara and the Daiwa House Industrial Headquarters, he watches over the future of the Daiwa House Group.

Daiwa House Group projects have begun to spread across the world. Here, we introduce a few of the Group's employees in the front line who are working hard behind the scenes to make everything a success.