Daiwa House Group

Daiwa House Group

Environmental Action Plan

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Environmental Action Plan

Eco-friendly Products & Case

Endless Green Program
Environmental Action Plan

Calculating backward from the long-term environmental vision, Daiwa House Group have set 2030 as a milestone for achieving the vision. We formulate concrete targets and plans as the Endless Green Program (EGP) nearly every three years in accord with the period of a mediumterm management plan to promote it.
In the EGP, we identify “four environmental themes (social issues),” which are of much interest to stakeholders and closely related to our business, and we work on them at three phases: procurement; business activities; and products and services.

Long-Term Environmental Vision "Challenge ZERO 2055"

History of the Environmental Action Plan

History of the Environmental Action Plan

Overall Environmental Action Plan

Overall Environmental Action Plan

Establishing targets through "backcasting"

In identifying the targets for our four themes introduced above, we applied the technique of "backcasting" for the Long-Term Environmental Vision we formulated as our objective for 2055*, when Daiwa House Industry will mark its 100th anniversary. We have identified the period 2030 as our milestones, and have indicated the levels to be attained after five years.

* The year 2050 for the item of mitigating and adapting to climate change

Endless Green Program 2026
Environmental Action Plan
Endless Green Program 2026

The Endless Green Program 2026 (fiscal 2022 to 2026) was formulated by calculating backward from the milestones for 2030 in light of “seven Challenge ZERO”s. In the 7th Medium-Term Management Plan (fiscal 2022 to 2026), we have set "Realize carbon neutrality by making all buildings carbon-free" as one of the priority themes, and we will promote initiatives throughout the value chain.

Basic policies of Endless Green Program 2026

  1. Turning all buildings into ZEH/ZEB and installing solar power generation systems in all buildings in all our businesses in principle toward achieving “carbon neutrality in community development”
  2. Aiming to achieve RE100 in FY2025, as well as turning all the company’s newly constructed facilities into ZEBs in principle, toward achieving “carbon neutrality in business activities”
  3. ● Sharing “carbon neutrality,” “zero deforestation,” and “zero waste emissions” policies with suppliers to strengthen our supply chains with the environment as a starting point
  4. Stepping up our efforts to satisfy expectations of society and stakeholders toward further improving ESG evaluation (expanding environmental contribution businesses, responding to climate change risk)
  5. Firming up the foundation of environmental management in order for us to implement faster the EGP2026 (enhancing the environmental management system, developing human resources for environmental management)

Prevention of chemical pollution is not defined as Challenge ZERO because it is already at the maintenance and management level.

Enviromental Action Plan(Endless Green Program 2026)

Materialities and Specification Processes

*Please refer to the back issues of the Sustainability Report for past environmental action plans.

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