Daiwa House Group

Daiwa House Group

Comments from teachers

  • I didn't realize Japanese musical instruments were that much fun. The children, too, were delighted. Thank you for providing the memorial gifts.
  • I was moved to experience the real thing (performance). I believe the music touched the children's hearts. The tree planting was something significant, more than just putting the tree into the ground. Thank you very much.
  • The sound of the Japanese musical instruments reverberated right through us, and it provided a valuable experience for the children. The response from the children immediately after the cherry tree planting was that many of them spoke of how they were looking forward to seeing the cherry blossoms next year. Thank you for providing this opportunity to experience Japan's culture and nature.
  • I was moved by the aim of increasing the number of wild cherry trees.
  • The participatory event was ideal for children. It helps encourage active involvement in which they personally participate rather than watching on passively and I hope you keep on making improvements. Thank you very much.
  • Thank you for the performance of Japanese musical instruments, the cherry tree, and the wonderful presents. They all helped remind us of what is wonderful about Japanese culture. I'm looking forward to taking part in the project in the future.
  • Many children do not think of trees as living things. A tree died at the school last year. I believe it is important for the children to plant and look after the tree themselves and be aware of its growth. Thank you for putting on such a wonderful program.
  • I told the children how, "Beautiful cherry trees might blossom when you grow up and become parents yourselves, and some of your own children might enter this school." We thought a little about the distant future and imaged the growth of the cherry tree. They were delighted with the presents and made sure to look after them carefully as they took them home.
  • I think it is great that a company can contribute to the community. I hope that initiatives like this will become more common.
  • I believe it was a valuable experience for the children who get few opportunities to see, hear, and touch Japanese musical instruments. The powerful music and performance was a chance to be reminded of what is wonderful about Japanese culture.
  • The children were smiling all the way from start to finish. Thank you very much.
  • The children listened attentively and were moved by the live performance of Japanese musical instruments. They are hugely looking forward to seeing the cherry tree they planted blossom in some years' time. For the children, that their own cherry tree might still be flowering at their old school is something that will remain strongly in their memory. Thank you very much.

Would you like to participate in the Sakura Project?

Enjoying Japanese musical instruments and cultivating cherry tree saplings around Japan

First kindergarten, then school, … finally graduation.
Cherry trees are forever part of our memories.
We provide powerful performances of Japanese musical instruments and conduct cherry tree plantings in the wish that the sight of fallen cherry blossoms will give children a sense of the spirit of great harmony and lodge wonderful memories in their hearts.

Application for Sakura project is from Japanese page

Sakura pamphlet *Japanese Only
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