- 1955
- Daiwa House Industry Co., Ltd. was founded. (April 5) [Detail]
- The Pipe House, our first product, was launched. [Detail]
- Established Osaka Factory (Chikko Factory) in Minato-ku, Osaka.
- 1957
- Constructed the storehouse of Tamon Shuzou Nishinomiya Factory. Obtained certification from the Japan Lightweight Iron Construction Association to pave the way for full-fledged steel pipe structures in Japan.
- 1959
- Developed the Movable Classroom as a means to resolve the shortage of classrooms caused by the postwar baby boom. [Detail]
- Daiwa Kosho Co., Ltd.(current Daiwa Lease Co., Ltd.) was founded.
- Daiwa Konpo Co., Ltd. (current Daiwa Logistics Co., Ltd.) was established.
- Developed the origin of the prefabricated house, the Midget House, which became a huge success as a study room built in three hours. [Detail]
- Went public as over-the-counter stock on the Tokyo and Osaka Stock Exchanges.
Pipe House
Midget House