- 1980
- Started the home center business with the opening of the Lumber Nara Store (current Royal Home Center Nara). [Detail]
- Daiwa Kosho Lease Co., Ltd. (current Daiwa Lease Co., Ltd.) was listed on the First Section of the Osaka Securities Exchange.
- 1981
- Daiwa House G Series with a panel framework combined construction method was developed, and the Le Grand "Chimney House", a plan proposal-based house, was launched.
- Daiwa Kosho Lease Co., Ltd. (current Daiwa Lease Co., Ltd.) was listed on the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
- 1982
- CADNET, an industry first interactive automatic design system, was introduced.
- Started to specialize in the Rental housing business field and opened sales offices across Japan.
- Palatial, high-end rental housing, was launched with G Series construction methods.
- 1983
- Tentakubin (current Daiwa LifeNext Co., Ltd.) was founded.
- Exported and constructed Japan's first full-fledged houses for China (Shanghai).
- 1984
- Representative office was established in Shanghai, China.
- 1985
- Le Grand Free System was launched as a 30th anniversary product.
- 1986
- Daiwa Information Service Co., Ltd. (current Daiwa House Realty Mgt. Co.,Ltd.) was established.
- The Daiwa House Industry 30th Anniversary Science Museum, which displayed transitions in technology within the Nara Factory, was opened.
- Shanghai Hong Qiao Villas, rental housing for foreigners in China, commenced operations.
- 1987
- Daiwa House(Australia)Pty Ltd, which carried out condominium business in Australia, was established.
- 1988
- Dalian Civil Aviation Hotel opened in China.
- 1989
- The Silver Age Research Center was launched to fully support medical and nursing businesses in a new era.
- Daiwa Living Co., Ltd. was established.
- Developed non-welded steel-frame structure(DNS) employing H-section steel for both the columns and beams.
Lumber Nara Store
Le Grand "Chimney House"
Le Grand Free System
Shanghai Hong Qiao Villas
Dalian Civil Aviation Hotel